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Movement of Breath


Spring greetings! It feels good to arrive here at the equinox yesterday with a little sun and new growth. I've just finished a training in Movement Medicine and return exhausted, but full with an awareness of breath I'm looking forward to bring to my shiatsu practice. An Eastern Medicine teacher I'm inspired by speaks of 'the one breath we are all a part of' and at the end of our last ceremony I had a beautiful sense of this breath moving through us. It made a real impression on me and I want to remember to participate with the movement of breath, even when doing computer work! With all of our manifold confusions about ourselves and each other, knowing that as long as we are alive our breath is an unbroken connection to life, to each other, to earth and the cosmos; a primary sense of belonging.

Fascinated with this new sensation of breath, I asked ChatGPT on the train home if it could find me some quotes about Shen-Ming and the breath. Shen-ming in Chinese Medical text the Neijing is often described as the radiant or transcendant quality of Shen (spirit) and I have had the pleasure of seeing this quality shine from my dancing friends in the last weeks.


ChatGPT said:

"When breath and shen are aligned illumination arises"

"When sadness lingers, breathe deeply to restore Shen. When anger flares, exhale slowly to settle Qi"


This wisdom aligns with Shiatsu and Movement Medicine. Connecting with breath and working with our emotions as weathers passing through the body - sometimes getting stuck - needing our acknowledgement, movement and love.

Ever so courteous, Chat then asked me "if I would like some insights into specific breathing techniques from the Neijing that cultivate Shen-ming" (the radiant quality of spirit) - why not? I find this technology both curiously wonderful and unsettling, as I see how tempting it is to outsource our brain - nonetheless I've been working with these and found them very accessible, enriching and short enough to work into the day - scroll to the bottom if you interested in trying these techniques.

There is something beautiful to me about having a cohesive story that makes sense of life to body heart and mind. I love that we live in a time that for all of its huge concerns and tragedies, allows us (in the UK) the freedom to find our own guiding images and ways through life. Personally I've found in these practices of Shiatsu and Movement Medicine with a little study of Dharma and the Neijing, a way of looking that brings me closer to nature, in all of its mystery and unfathomability.

My first Movement Medicine class is April 6th at Rose Hill Community Centre. I'm looking forward to sharing this deeply rooted physical and soulful dance practice - I would love to see you on the dance floor! Pre-booking is essential, here's a link to our brand new site - any questions please get in touch, below is our dance space at RHCC.

I would also love to see anyone who feels the call for a 1:1 Shiatsu session. This month I'm offering discounted Shiatsu to students with physical, mental or emotional issues. First session £30 and discounts for onward sessions. If you are intrerested please let me know, or kindly pass on to students in your life. If you are not a student but feel you could benefit from reduced price shiatsu do get in touch, I want to make Shiatsu accessible where possible. My offer of 25% off 6 sessions continues until the 1st of April, this is a lovely way to go deeper in the process and I've found that once we have developed this therapeutic relationship it remains there for drop in 'top up' treatments.

Lastly, enjoy these breath focused practices to help shake off the winter and become radiant this Spring.

ChatGPT said:

The Huangdi Neijing describes several breath-focused practices to cultivate Shen-ming (神明), or the radiant clarity of the spirit. These techniques help regulate Qi (vital energy), calm the emotions, and awaken higher awareness. Below are some key breathing techniques inspired by classical Chinese medicine:


1. Tunxi (吞息) – “Swallowing Breath”

This method is designed to nourish the internal organs and refine Shen-ming by deepening the connection between breath and energy circulation.

How to Practice:

  1. Sit or stand in a relaxed posture.

  2. Inhale deeply through the nose, imagining drawing in pure Qi from the universe.

  3. Hold the breath momentarily and "swallow" it down into the lower Dantian (energy center in the lower abdomen).

  4. Exhale slowly through the nose, visualizing the energy spreading throughout the body.


  • Strengthens internal organs

  • Grounds Shen (spirit), preventing mental restlessness

  • Increases clarity and inner radiance


2. Dao Yin Breathing – “Guiding and Inducing Qi”

This technique involves using breath and gentle movement to guide Qi smoothly through the body.

How to Practice:

  1. Inhale deeply through the nose, raising the arms slowly above the head.

  2. As you exhale through the mouth, lower the arms and visualize Qi flowing down like a waterfall.

  3. Repeat 5-10 times, synchronizing breath and movement.


  • Clears stagnation in the meridians

  • Harmonizes Shen with the breath

  • Strengthens the connection between Heaven (Yang) and Earth (Yin)


3. Heng Ha Breathing (哼哈功) – “Expelling Turbid Qi”

This method is used to clear negative emotions and purify the mind, ensuring that Shen-ming remains bright.

How to Practice:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

  2. Inhale deeply through the nose, gathering fresh Qi into the lower abdomen.

  3. Exhale forcefully while vocalizing “Heng” (哼) to release excess Yang (heat, anger).

  4. On the next breath, exhale with “Ha” (哈) to release excess Yin (cold, fear, stagnation).

  5. Repeat 6-9 times.


  • Clears emotional blockages

  • Balances excess Yin or Yang

  • Brightens Shen-ming by purifying mental and emotional energy


4. Reverse Abdominal Breathing (逆腹式呼吸)

This advanced method helps refine and concentrate Shen-ming by directing breath into the Dantian(energy center).

How to Practice:

  1. As you inhale, gently contract the lower abdomen (drawing Qi inward).

  2. As you exhale, expand the lower abdomen (allowing Qi to settle and circulate).

  3. Focus on keeping the breath deep, slow, and smooth.


  • Strengthens inner vitality (Jing)

  • Cultivates deep mental stillness

  • Refines Qi into Shen, supporting higher consciousness


5. Zhan Zhuang with Breath Awareness (站桩功) – “Standing Meditation”

This technique combines breath, posture, and stillness to stabilize the mind and allow Shen-ming to shine fully.

How to Practice:

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms in a relaxed circular shape (as if holding a ball).

  2. Inhale through the nose, feeling Qi fill the lower abdomen.

  3. Exhale through the nose, releasing tension and distractions.

  4. Remain still, focusing on the natural rise and fall of the breath.


  • Enhances the body's energy field

  • Grounds and stabilizes Shen-ming

  • Develops deep inner stillness







"As a very busy Physiotherapist I have found the perfect professional, empathic and knowledgeable practitioner with Kate.  I have regular shiatsu and these excellent treatments,  in such a safe environment, allow me to focus fully on myself and then the week ahead is busy and enjoyable. Thank you Kate."

Vivienne Gleave

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