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Music of the Waters


Updated: Dec 18, 2024

Last night I was listening to a podcast from lifeworlds, a sound journey called 'Music of the Waters', with musician Mocaya. It was so intriguingly beautiful to hear this dialogue about music, stillness, spaciousness - interwoven with sound.


A precious antidote for a distracted mind. Her words offered me then what I sense shiatsu can offer; stillness, and connection with the spacious, resonant patterns of nature.


"I am a person who needs a lot of stillness, its like a nectar I consume" Mocaya

Holistic massage

It's been a while since I've written a blog. I am just coming to the end of my studies of Zen Shiatsu and finishing the coursework has most of my energy for now, but I felt inspired to share this beautiful sound journey from Mocaya and share a little from where I am.


My shiatsu journey began in 2019 as a 3 year part-time course - 5 years later, with a year out for covid '20-21 and a year out to recover from a brain injury '22-23 - I feel so ready to graduate and begin a life-long learning and development in practice.


In a way I feel I have benefitted from this drawing out of time with the Shiatsu College - some knowledge finds its way to us through the connections we make with our teachers and colleagues - I feel lucky to have had more time to learn from their embodiment of shiatsu.


Shiatsu is fascinating; endlessly fine and deep, yet at the same time, simple, natural. As I edge towards the end of my student practitioner phase I want to say thank you to everyone who has come for shiatsu over this last year and a bit, your interest, appreciation and feedback have been vital and encouraging - I have learnt so much.


I will leave you with a quote from Mocaya from 'Music of the Waters' and the spotify link is below too - if you ever have a half hour to fill, I wholeheartedly recommend it.


"We can be driving, we can be cooking at home, walking in the park, whatever it is that we are doing, we don't have to be sitting down not doing anything else; spaciousness is this ally that is with us all the time if we allow it. Because this reality is space at its most fundemental level, so we are already space we just sometimes forget, so the invitation is to receive these words and this music with spaciousness"






"As a very busy Physiotherapist I have found the perfect professional, empathic and knowledgeable practitioner with Kate.  I have regular shiatsu and these excellent treatments,  in such a safe environment, allow me to focus fully on myself and then the week ahead is busy and enjoyable. Thank you Kate."

Vivienne Gleave

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